Serving Size: 4 Prep Time: 2 hours Cooking Time: 20 minutes
500 g beef tenderloin, cubed
For marinade:
1 Tbsp Olive oil
3 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
3 Tbsp Knorr Liquid Seasoning
4 cloves (1 Tbsp) Garlic, minced
1 tsp whole Rosemary
1/2 or 1 tsp cayenne powder - Optional
Black pepper
2 whole garlic bulbs, top sliced
Olive oil
1 Finger Pepper, sliced
1. Marinate beef in Worcestershire sauce, Knorr liquid seasoning, garlic, rosemary, cayenne powder and black pepper. Add olive oil. Chill for minimum 2 hours.
2. Drizzle olive oil on top of the garlic. Roast in oven toaster for 10 minutes. Remove garlic from the skin.
3. Fry beef in a pan. Add remaining marinade. Then add roasted garlic.
4. Transfer to a serving plate, garnish with sliced finger pepper on top.